My First Byline: Akanksha Singh,” Your First Byline, December 2024

Pay-To-Breathe: Clean air is a luxury in India,NPR’s Here and Now, March 2023

Order and Chaos in Mumbai,” Return Ticket with Jonathan Green a travel podcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), June 2022

Behind the Story,” l’Atelier Creatif, May 2022

“In the midst of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement, monuments are part of history or a painful re-enactment of the past,” (translated title) BBC Hindi, Turkish, and Thai, June 2020

A note: In this interview, I mention colourism being a colonial addition to India’s social fabric. While I do believe that colourism and racism went hand in hand while India was under British colonial rule, I have now learnt and recognise that I was mistaken. In the Indian context, colourism (discrimination based on skin colour) has links to casteism that predate British colonialism by a long while. I am deeply sorry. My intention was not and is not to erase the role of casteism from Indian history and modern Indian society.